The Typing Cat
The Typing Cat


Free Online Typing Test


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Basic Course

Learn advanced touch typing skills. Set of typing lessons that introduce capitalization, punctuation, and number row. It will make you sophisticated typists.

Free Online Typing Test

Check your typing speed in 1/3/5 minutes typing test. Compare with the avarage WPM score. Practice and improve keyboard skills online.

Free Online Typing Test

Check your typing speed in one minute typing test. Compare with the avarage WPM score. Practice and improve keyboard skills online.

Free Online Typing Test

Check your typing speed in three minutes typing test. Compare with the avarage WPM score. Practice and improve keyboard skills online.

Free Online Typing Test

Check your typing speed in five minutes typing test. Compare with the avarage WPM score. Practice and improve keyboard skills online.

List of Touch Typing Courses

Learn advanced touch typing skills. Set of typing lessons that introduce capitalization, punctuation, and number row. It will make you sophisticated typists.

The Typing Cat - Touch Typing Tutor

Learn advanced touch typing skills. Set of typing lessons that introduce capitalization, punctuation, and number row. It will make you sophisticated typists.

Typing Games

List of typing games. Enjoy your time and improve your typing skills by playing games!

